The American Grilled Cheese Kitchen, San Francisco CA

024 - American Grilled Cheese Kitchen (1)

The American Grilled Cheese Kitchen

024 - American Grilled Cheese Kitchen (5) 024 - American Grilled Cheese Kitchen (6)

Lemon Blueberry Muffin

024 - American Grilled Cheese Kitchen (11) 024 - American Grilled Cheese Kitchen (12)

Breakfast Piglet – sharp cheddar, artisan cured ham, apple mustard, rosemary butter

024 - American Grilled Cheese Kitchen (3) 524

Hungry for a snack between sessions at the conference and having seen American Grilled Cheese Kitchen while waking past AT&T Field earlier that morning I decided to stop in for a quick bite largely because the location was convenient and the concept and sourcing seemed sound, but unfortunately the ‘pros’ of the restaurant only went that far as the signature grilled cheese was good but not terribly inventive or rave worthy when compared to the likes of Cleveland’s MELT or other artisan grilled cheese shops. Well priced at $5.50 for the sandwich and accompanied by a large lemon muffin chock-a-block full of fresh blueberries for another $2 one could certainly do worse for lunch or a snack near the ballpark, but then again in San Francisco one could also do much better.

024 - American Grilled Cheese Kitchen (7)

Category(s): American Grilled Cheese Kitchen, Breakfast, California, Dessert, Food, Pork, San Francisco, Vacation

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