Lazy Jane’s Cafe, Madison WI

025 - Lazy Jane's Cafe (4)

Lazy Jane’s Café

025 - Lazy Jane's Cafe (12)

Vanilla Coffee, Hazelnut Coffee, Organic French Roast, Light Roast Italian

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Smores Scone

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Maple Walnut Scone

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Blueberry Scone

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Morning Bun

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Almond Croissant

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Blueberry Pancakes

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Waking up early for a morning run around Madison it was after nearly ten miles followed by a quick shower that I made my way to kitschy and cozy Lazy Jane’s Café and although I unfortunately forgot to return to the second-hand store next door before departing town my sixty minute stay at the restaurant itself was definitely a delight, the charming décor only bested by fresh baked goods and service with a smile. Perhaps a bit “off the beaten path” and almost entirely populated by locals with counter service and self seating both upstairs and down it was to a wide variety of sandwiches, eggs, and entrees that I was tempted on arrival but focusing largely on pastry my six-part order was crafted, the first five items from the cooling racks while a daily special of blueberry studded flapjacks was readied on the griddle. Obviously prone to overindulgence in a place with four options of coffee with limitless refills for just $1.75 it was in one cup of each that I entrusted my thirst and with both flavored options proving quite subtle I was impressed by them all, the light roast pairing best with an opening volley of three scones from which only the overly rich s’mores would prove less than textbook in texture, though flavors were all spot-on. Underwhelmed by a croissant that was unfortunately lacking in lamination but finding reprieve in a morning bun rife with cinnamon and sugar it was finally after thirty minutes that my name was called from the kitchen and procuring my pancakes from the window before slathering them with pure maple syrup I was soon quite glad I’d only eaten half of each pastry, the bursting berries amidst fluffy buttermilk batter proving irresistible with each subsequent bite.

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RECOMMENDED: Blueberry Pancakes – a daily special, Maple Walnut Scone, Blueberry (or, likely, any seasonal fruit) Scone.

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AVOID: S’mores Scone, Almond Croissant.

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TIP: Lacking a website with hours 7a-3p M-F and 8a-2p on weekends those desiring a specific item are well advised to call about availability – the strict cash only policy easily remedied by an on-site ATM for those who arrive unprepared.

025 - Lazy Jane's Cafe (1)

025 - Lazy Jane's Cafe (13)

Lazy Jane's Cafe & Bakery on Urbanspoon

Category(s): Breakfast, Coffee, Croissant, Dessert, Food, Lazy Jane's Cafe, Madison, Pancakes, Vacation, Wisconsin

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