Anders-Pers Fikabod
Lammkorv och Brie
Rulltarta med Vispgrädde
Seeking a place to rest en route from Åre to ARN, the city of Järvsö familiar from just thirty hours prior, it was at Anders-Pers Fikabod that two guests stopped for lunch around 14h30, a day already full of Food and scenery including forests and waterfalls slowing down for a moment thanks to pleasant staff, housemade Breads and Fika plus comfortable rustic confines.
Located just down the road from Lill-Babs and thus convenient to passers-by, the Café facing away from the city but signs clearly marking its presence, it was immediately upon entry that a middle-aged woman greeted guests with Hej, the midday arrival finding selection a bit limited though what was left nonetheless looked delicious.
Offering not only Bread and Pastries but artisanal items made in Järvsö, everything from linens to Charcuterie and Cheese, it was with thick slices of Lamb Sausage along with Brie and Vegetables on a toasted Roll that dining got underway, the low cost of just 75 SEK for something that can easily be shared quite a deal while Pastries were also well priced at anywhere from 24-35 Swedish Krona.
Finishing the Sandwich before moving on to sweets, a sugared braid showing good stretch and a buttery crumb, it was in follow-up that a Roll Cake filled with Orange Marmalade and topped with whipped Cream further impressed before finishing up with two Chocolate items, a Chokladboll the best in days thanks to plenty of heterogeneity and good moisture while a flourless Chocolate Cake was deep, dark and rich but not quite as heavy as Fudge or a Brownie.